Vodafone mobile internet campaign at Paddington station
I saw a very interesting outdoor campaign for Vodafone’s mobile internet at London’s Paddington station this week. You can see some more of the pictures here. Vodafone keep leading [...]
I saw a very interesting outdoor campaign for Vodafone’s mobile internet at London’s Paddington station this week. You can see some more of the pictures here. Vodafone keep leading [...]
Speaking from personal experience, I can say that flat rate data plans DO drive consumer behaviour. For some time I have been on a Vodafone UK business plan, that gives me a gazillion minutes, [...]
Following on from my earlier post mobile advertising – walking the talk, I thought I’d check out how “mobile ready” a number of well known blogs and sites are that talk [...]
It is always a pleasure to spend some time with Bena Roberts from GoMo news, and I was able to have lunch with her last week during the MMA Event in London. I also caught up with Richard Saggers [...]
Looking through this week’s Economist, my eye was drawn to a full page ad, promoting the naming rights for the Dubai Metro – to be completed in 2009. The print ad directs you to the [...]
Since my recent post on USB dongles vs Coffee shop WIFi Will the 3G mobile broadband “dongle” kill the WiFi hotspot market?, I received a number of follow up posts following the post being [...]
While I’d love to be there to hear these interesting speakers, sadly I will be in London on this day, but I thought the event should get some publicity so if you are in Barcelona on Monday [...]
Saw this very smart piece of digital outdoor from CBS Outdoor who look after advertising on the underground system in London. It really shows you how digital creative will transform outdoor [...]
Seamless integration with fixed network services is the goal of many mobile operators, but available solutions all have major shortcomings. An Australian wireless location specialist claims to [...]
Source: siddey.wordpress.com Having operated in “stealth mode” for nearly two years, Australian company Seeker Wireless has revealed that it is in the progress of deploying its high-accuracy [...]