I just got my hands on the new Telegraph UK app and it’s a nice piece of work by Tigerspike, who were also responsible for the Australian iPad app (shown below). As regular readers would know, [...]
As suggested by the UK arm of the IAB. Nice set of quotes from well known practitioners in this space. Worth a quick look and a re-tweet etc Simply use http://lc.tl/tenthings to re-tweet [...]
John Tanner posted an excellent article recently over on Telcomasia.net titled “Only you can save mobile advertising” I met with John in Barcelona at Mobile World Congress and apparently our [...]
Just what is the effectiveness of mobile advertising? What is the recall? This question was asked of me recently by a well known planner for a big agency in London. It is a good question [...]
I came across an excellent summary on Media Post by Michael Weaver titled “Hunker Down Or Double Down? Making The Case for Mobile Advertising In A Down Economy“ Michael makes the [...]