I received some interesting news from my friends at Xtract – press release below – looks interesting. Jouko and the team are a very smart bunch, as I have blogged previously. Social [...]
Here is a lesson in how not to use mobile as a channel. I just had an experience that proves to me that some companies still don’t get the personal nature of mobile, and the overarching [...]
Over at mjelly, you will find this week’s Carnival of the Mobilists. James has thoughtfully split up this weeks best posts in mobile into several discrete sections. On the mobile market, [...]
I spied an interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald a few months ago, and this post has been in draft for too long – so time to publish, as it is still relevant. As an expat [...]
Welcome to edition 146 of Carnival of the Mobilists. It might be my birthday this week, but you get all the presents in terms of some fantastic posts from the world of mobile. This week, the [...]
In this week’s Campaign, there is a quote that could not go unreported. As part of the Economist’s advertorial on inspiration, they interviewed Will Collin (left) who is a founding [...]
Over at spotlightideas.co.uk, Eamon Mahony has been burning the midnight oil to compose a list of the top 250 Top 250 Blog Posts in Advertising, Marketing, Media & PR, following on from his [...]
Another month rolls by, and so it’s time again for the crew at Spinning Around to do the number crunching on the AD Age Power 150 list to see who’s who in the UK blogging scene. [...]
Jonathan Macdonald recently pointed me to a brilliant post by on permission based advertising by Tomi T Ahonen – someone well respected in this space for among other things his communities [...]
Tonight I was finishing an upgrade of the blog from wordpress version 2.5.1 to 2.6 and I saw that Nick Burcher had linked to London Calling so I took a closer look. He has compiled the top [...]