mobile advertising in Australia
I’ve just come across an excellent article by Emily Freeman (a subscriber to this blog) on mobile advertising in Australia. As an antipodean (and recently described as one of the [...]
I’ve just come across an excellent article by Emily Freeman (a subscriber to this blog) on mobile advertising in Australia. As an antipodean (and recently described as one of the [...]
I noticed today in the Daily Telegraph and also the Financial Times here in London that Blyk has reached a milestone of 100,000 users five months ahead of schedule. Blyk has an interesting [...]
It is always a pleasure to spend some time with Bena Roberts from GoMo news, and I was able to have lunch with her last week during the MMA Event in London. I also caught up with Richard Saggers [...]
Looking through this week’s Economist, my eye was drawn to a full page ad, promoting the naming rights for the Dubai Metro – to be completed in 2009. The print ad directs you to the [...]
With the increase in the launch of mobile versions of social networking sites such as (ps notice a pattern here – no [...]
A few weeks ago I read about the new Yahoo! location initiative called Fire Eagle. Being a former practitioner in the Location industry, I rushed to the site, only to find I needed an [...]
I noticed a story (with accompanying video) on the BBC Click website titled Rise and rise of the GPS mobile. Like many stories at the moment about GPS, the author makes a few generalisations. In [...]
Nokia ads on the London Underground – promoting their new flagship store in Regent Street as well as a really neat site called Nokia are really living up to their slogan [...]
I caught this interesting article over on Ewan MacLeod’s excellent SMSText News site a result of an online interview he conducted with JumpTap’s new CMO, Paran Johar during Mobile [...]
I thought it had happened already, but a report in the Guardian says Google is getting closer to dethroning ITV as the UK’s biggest single advertising income generator. Seven years ago, [...]