Carnival of the Mobilists 129 is at
This week’s roundup of all things mobile is hosted on Rudy de Waele’s blog
Not too surprisingly more than half of this week’s contributions are on the “Location-Based Applications and Services” topic. We had better get used to the up and coming hype words such as geotagging, location tracking, Assisted GPS (AGPS), location based advertising (of course!), location based aggregation, cost per location, zone detection, location based social media, location stamps, location reporting strategies, discovery, sensoring, geocaching, spatial data, geographically-oriented communities, location-based (life) streaming, social mapping or geo-social networking applications, etc.
All this on the day that Nokia announced that they have acquired Plazes.
Given the location theme, Rudy has mapped the location of the contributions this week on a map. You will also be able to read my recent post Has Google won the location battle already?
Take a deep breath and head over to the carnival to consume this week’s finest in mobile.