Carnival of the mobilists 127 at

 In carnival

Over at Wap Review you can find this week’s instalment of carnival of the mobilists. There you will find informed opinion and reviews on 900MHz 3G spectrum, ROI on design, mobile local search, Mippin experiences, Peter Gabriel’s new recommendation site, and some research on what normob (normal mobile users) did with an N95.

You will also find my review with lots of screen shots of a location aware version of Microsoft Live Search that launched recently in the UK. Microsoft and Sprint have been doing this for a while here in the US, nice to see the idea is spreading.

Head over to Wap Review for these and many more this week.

Next Monday head over to Ubiquitous Thoughts for a brand new Carnival.


Based in London, The Actionable Futurist and former Global Managing Partner at IBM, Andrew Grill is a popular and sought-after presenter and comementator on issues around digital disruption, workplace of the future and new technologies such as blockchain. Andrew is a multiple TEDx and International Keynote Speaker.