I have started to contribute to the Carnival of the Mobilists. You can see the latest edition at http://www.mobilepointview.com/2008/01/carnival-of-the.html
The posts span a wide range of views and happenings in the mobile space incliuding…
Andrew Grill explains why It’s Not Just Privacy Concerns Preventing Mobile Advertising from Taking Off, addressing the convergence of LBS, advertising and Zone Detection in mobile phones.
Rudy De Waele at M-Trends.Org who goes out on a limb in Mobile and Wireless Trends for 2008. Admirably, Rudy encourages you to check out his prognostication powers and look at his 2007 predictions as well. Pretty sound analysis of the probable trends this year from my point view–although I think he missed one, which I’ll address in a later post this week with my own predictions at Mobile Messaaging 2.0.
Chetan Sharma at Always on Real-Time Access takes on the same task in Mobile Industry Predictions 2008. Chetan’s twist is that he surveyed his consulting clients to compile their perspectives in framing his views–very clever delegation of duties there, mate. Now class, let’s compare and contrast Rudy’s and Chetan’s perspectives….
Martin Sauter of Mobile Society in Let’s Prepare for 3GSM / Mobile World Congress, provides a practical initiative in preparation for the upcoming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. He’s opened a Wiki to share information about events and parties (always critically needed), job offers, apartments, etc. Great idea Martin, I’ve already posted an event I’m hosting introducing the “Mobile Barometer.” If you contributed to the CoM last year and are going to Barcelona, this is the place to set up those meet and greet meetings. See you there!
Michael Mace at Mobile Opportunity declares his choice for the Mobile Device of 2007. Taking a partially contrarian view he outlines his criteria for the best mobile device and determines it to be….Check it out for the surprising cliff hanger conclusion.
John Puterbaugh of Nellymoser addresses the buzztopic of last year, social networks and mobility in Mobile 2.0 – The Social Web meets Mobility by shaking the foundation of Mobile 2.0 by boldly proposing his own definition of Mobile 2.0 in the context of Actant Networks, a thorough argument shfting the focus and purpose of Mobile 2.0.
Judy Breck of GoldenSwamp shows off her new and improved site, very kewl–love the bubbles, with A Phone with a Browser is Knowledge in My Pocket, covering the seemingly lost opportunity for educators to WAKE UP, smell the mobile browser effect brewing and embrace the educational power of the mobile phone in their students’ pockets.
C. Enrique Ortiz provides a short wrap up of Mobile Payments News Stories of 2007. Having myself just completed a consultancy for a company centered on mobile transactions, CEO recognizes that 2008 will be time for traction in transactions and I agree.
Ajit Jaokar of OpenGardens debates Open Source vs Open Standards-Complementing or Competing?, a bits and bytes approach on how to address these issues. Way over the horizon for this commercially focused guy, but nonetheless interesting. Guest blogger, Frederik Ademar, at Vision Mobile Forum, explains how proxies are making an increasingly important contribution to the mobile web in Boosting Internet in Mobile – The Return of the Browser Proxies. Clearly the heady-ist contributions of the week.
Russell Shaw at Mobile Messaging 2.0, covers off the balance between personal liberties while texting balanced by the risk of your behavior against community safety in his “New Washington State Texting While Driving Law Strikes the Right Balance”. Staying with the role of policy makers impacting mobile, Ben Whitaker of Masabists in “Did the NSA put a back door in our mobile security?” explains why we need to be aware of mobile key security and its potential threats by “big brother” as well as “little brothers” lurking outhere.
James Cooper of mjelly feels Ringtones have finally gotten sufficiently settled in the culture to issue the Top 10 Ring Tones of All Time. I’m shocked to find James excluded my ringtone, The Man from UNCLEtheme, from his list. Jarkko Aho of BrandMobilePhones.com takes on Nokia for their subtle subordination of their own core brand message in Nokia No More Connecting People. Continuing with the Nokie theme, Tom Hanna at TamS 60 relays why it is irrelevant that Nokia’s NGage platform is late to market in Nokia NGage Delayed-Why it Doesn’t Matter