Being-Digital June 10th: what are the hot topics in location?

 In location

I’m moderating the location stream at the Being-Digital conference in London on June 10th and I was wondering what readers of London Calling see as the hot issues in location.

Here are some initial thoughts – and I’d welcome any comments below

  • What value do consumers place on location?
  • Can location information be viewed as inventory?
  • Is there more value in knowing what TV channel you watched last night or your location now?
  • Is there value in knowing who you are in the same location with?
  • Is there value in knowing where you have been in the past or locations you visit regularly?
  • Will “buddy finder” type services actually take of if the technology and price is right?
  • Will mobile social networking be the catalyst to finally drive the update in LBS services?
  • Is GPS ready for prime time?
  • Do you need GPS accuracy for all applications or will cell-ID do?
  • Who do you trust to maintain and provide your location service: Google or the operators?



Based in London, The Actionable Futurist and former Global Managing Partner at IBM, Andrew Grill is a popular and sought-after presenter and comementator on issues around digital disruption, workplace of the future and new technologies such as blockchain. Andrew is a multiple TEDx and International Keynote Speaker.