This week’s rich instalment of all things mobile is available over at the Skydeck Blog with contributions from John Puterbaugh from Nellymoser lays down a concise yet thorough review of the 700 mhz auction that defines openness, reviews Google’s impact, explains what is at stake, and addresses what it will all mean for the future of mobile 2.0.

Continuing to the rest of this week’s picks, Corrie Ramey from writes about using a normal shopping experience to make a statement.

Yours truly reviews a panel session from the World Economic Forum that included among others, Kevin Martin, FCC Chairman, and Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. My exploratory post picks up on the most important points of the panel, and proposes four key issues that need to be resolved before mobile can reach the next tipping point.

Dennis at WAP Review talks about YouTube’s new mobile site. Will Google become Microsoft for Mobile?

Have you also seen the new YouTube java applet – downkoad it from – it is a solid piece of java design.

Emily Turretini at SmartMobs talks about why you shouldn’t keep your cell phone under your pillow. Read up to learn more about phone radiation and your sleep.

Tom Godber from masabi discusses the complexity of mobile platforms and shares his belief that fragmentation will always be an endemic feature of mobile application platforms, from browsers to Java.

You’ve been to Mobile Monday, so now its time to step up to . Rudy de Waele from m-trends talks about the upcoming Mobile Sunday, Barcelona style event, which boasts an impressive list of attendees, and reminds you that if you’re in Barcelona, be sure to attend the Mobile Monday Peer Awards, and the Mobile Jam Session for Developers.

Buzz words abound in mobile, and add both confusion and clarity to industry discussions, depending on the audience. Barbara Ballard at Little Springs Design helps define a few of them related to the Mobile Web.

Dean Bubley from Disruptive Wireless continues his discussion of mobile vs fixed internet users, with a thoughtful piece that adds definition around how specifically the internet is accessed, and how many people are using the different methods.

Enrique Ortiz of About Mobility provides a recap of the Mobile and Embedded Developer Days event. The review narrates Enrique’s experience and provides plenty of links for you to learn more about the event and what took place.

— Other mentions this week —
Tarek Esber shares his thoughts on how Apple gets sync.

Jose De Jesus of Physician Entrepreneur points to an audio guide to getting the most from your iPhone camera.

Jim Durbin of Situational Marketing asks, Has the iPhone run its course?, considering why so many have been shipped, but not sold.

Martin of WirelessMoves discusses some advantages of wireless connectivity over DSL and Cable.

Ajit of Open Gardens looks at the mashup of Web 2.0 (Ajax) with IMS.